Saturday, June 6, 2009

"update on the life of a family of four"

Well it's been really crazy but it's all worth it. We have a ten week old that weighs 13 pounds. Wow I know but were so loving our chunky monkey. Our 21 month old is finally 20 pounds. She is so tiny but so perfect. She has a spit fire personalty. She likes to repeat everything we say. She is also such a good helper. She takes the diapers to the trash and put the bottles in the kitchen. If we forget to shut doors behind us so she want go in she shuts them. It's so cute watching her run around the house being so bossy. Our little man or should I say big man is getting so big. He can hold his head up really good. He likes to kick off of things. I think he might be a football player one day. He's getting so strong. My babies are growing up so fast. My little girl is about to be two. I just can't believe it. Our life has been going through so many changes. Greg hasn't been able to find a job since February. We had enough in our savings to help us out til April. So when may came around we had nothing. We had to borrow money to pay the bills for that month. Greg just got a job here, but they are having problems with the background check. They lost there pin or something stupid like that. But with everything that's been going on, he has decided he wanted to move back home. Which is in Georgia. I want to make him happy but I'm not sure it will make me and the kids happy. I'm not ready to leave my mom. She has been my rock and, she has made me into the woman I am today. I'm just scared to leave her. I think he thinks if we move back home it will fix all the problems. He got two job offers in Georgia that he likes, but I'm confused about what to do. We been praying alot and just putting it in gods hands. I'm afraid to make the wrong decision and it will affect our babies. We need alot of prayers that we will make the right decision. But I'm going to try and keep everybody updated on how things are going.

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